1, Oct — 2005
Globale Télé
- Caiers du Cinéma
“On doit à Luiz Fernando Carvalho le plus beau filme brésilien de ces dernières annés – A La Gauche du Père – mais l’essentiel de son oeuvre a été réalisée pour la télévision. Sa derinère série en date a connu un grand succès: Hoje é Dia de Maria. Très ambitieuse et très aboutie formellement, la série fait suite à dáutres projets d’envergure tels que Os Maias. Difficile d’imaginer parreille ambition artistique sur une télévision française.”
9, Oct — 2005
In Search of our Brazilian Childhood
- O Globo
“The images of Hoje é Dia de Maria are rare. Everything escapes the global standard: it is fiction that is brave enough to reveal itself as fiction, it is a TV product that dares to search in the early movies for language reinvention.”
Leia Mais9, Oct — 2005
Master of Imagination
- Folha de S.Paulo
“One of the rare achievements that shows that when channels are willing to offer fine products, they appeal to a public that is lacking in good challenges.”
Leia Mais12, Jan — 2005
Hoje é Dia de Maria Allures and Has Good Ratings
- O Estado de S.Paulo
26, Dec — 2005
The Best of 2005
- O Globo
“The second season of Luiz Fernando Carvalho’s micro-series once again showed a quality production.”
Leia Mais13, Oct — 2005
Nothing is Randon on the Second Journey of Hoje é Dia de Maria
- Folha de S.Paulo
“Another pleasant surprise of this show that has already changed the history of Brazilian television: actress Inês Peixoto.”
Leia Mais10, Oct — 2005
The Dream Never Ends
- Época
“Once upon a time there was a TV show that revolutionized television. Innovative in language, narrative, light, and color.”
Leia Mais18, Jan — 2005
Miniseries Rhymes with Emotion and Content
- O Estado de S.Paulo
“The Hoje é Dia de Maria miniseries is so out of character with the usual TV programming that it leaves the critic even without parameters to compare it with other attractions of the genre.”
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