Critical Fortune - Luiz Fernando Carvalho

17, Jun — 2007

A Pedra do Reino and the ineffable quality

  • Bia Abramo
  • Folha de S.Paulo

“Beyond all references and crossovers, Luiz Fernando Carvalho establishes himself as an original director, capable of creating images of enormous beauty and of making viewers to leave their comfort zone and safety.”

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A Pedra do Reino: Opera mundi of Luiz Fernando Carvalho

  • Ilana Felman
  • Cinética

“The three instances that form the A Pedra do Reino (the armorial shape of the romance, the epic desire and the “regal style” of Quaderna and the hybrid language, as well as armorial, baroque and regal of the show) are combined in an absolute coherence, as if the opera mundi of Luiz Fernando Carvalho led to the limit of radicalism the aesthetic project proposed and developed by Ariano Suassuna.”

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10, Jun — 2007

Sertão’s opera

  • Esther Hamburger
  • Folha de S.Paulo

“The texture of the work results in an exchange of repertoires between local artists and artisans and professionals from the big city. This multiple interlocution, under the searing heat of the northeast sertão, exudes and gives strength to the final product. The complex interaction caused a profusion of strong emotions that are translated to the screen.”

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6, Jun — 2007

Triumph of the imagination

  • Ricardo Calil
  • IG

A Pedra do Reino follows the same logic of dreams, with visual deliriums of intense brightness and time ellipsis, with spatial disorientations and suspended senses – which leads to an enthralling and imperfect result, but never dull or trivial.”

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6, May — 2007

When verb becomes image

  • Sylvie Debs

“The viewer will be not only literary mesmerized, but also amazed, transported to a true state of trance.”

17, Jun — 2007

Spectacle to the eyes

  • Rose Esquinazi
  • Jornal do Brasil

“What is worth mentioning here is the prestige, quality, boldness and transformation of TV, despite the eventual flaws in the execution of the work. First, the quality of the initial scene (…) is so impacting that it deserves an award of its own.”

24, Aug — 2007

The second life of Pedro Quaderna

  • Luiz Carlos Merten
  • O Estado de S.Paulo

“Carvalho is an author like no other. It is very common of critics to say his work to TV is cinematographic. People say that as a compliment, but Carvalho will never fall for that. He is not sure if A Pedra do Reino is television, cinema, theater, opera or even literature, as its origin is an admirably written text.”

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12, Jun — 2007

A Pedra do Reino leads to the discussion about the real Brazil

  • Luiz Carlos Merten
  • O Estado de S.Paulo

“To smarten up in necessary. Luiz Fernando Carvalho proposes more than just a baroque spectacle for eyes and ears. There is a consistent political discussion in A Pedra do Reino in which the fictitious Brazil of Ariano Suassuna has everything to do with the real Brazil.”

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10, Jun — 2007

A work with a very personal mark

  • Patricia Kogut
  • O Globo

“The rigor that drives Carvalho to take chances in directions different from those already adopted by television makes him a true creator, founder of a language.”

19, Jun — 2007


  • Rafael Cariello e Sylvia Colombo
  • Folha de S.Paulo

“Despite the hype of the critics, the show A Pedra do Reino was considered a flop and caused reactions about its hermeticism.”

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11, Jun — 2007

Holy water in the saliva

  • Alexandre Werneck
  • Jornal do Brasil

“Religious metaphors are spread across the entire work of Suassuna. These and others. But what really attracts our attention in this A Pedra do Reino directed by Luiz Fernando Carvalho is how liturgy is the center of actions. Suassuna by Carvalho is yelling. And it yells because the center of the director’s work is the word. More than that, the religious cult worshipping the word.”

19, Jun — 2007

Revolution to drive off the masses

  • Marcos Augusto Gonçalves
  • Folha de S.Paulo

“Once hegemonic, the aesthetic and cultural vision of Suassuna would turn us in a picturesque reliquary in the dawn of the 21st century”

6, Sep — 2007

Images to the letter

  • Roger Lerina
  • Zero Hora

“Carvalho produced a sophisticated work that invites the public to attentive readings, in order to reach that sertão that exists inside each one of those spoken by writer Guimarães Rosa.”

16, Jun — 2007

Art under the redeeming effect of the word

  • Rodrigo Fonseca
  • O Globo

“Quaderna made noise, confirming the thesis defended by Suassuna in the spectacle-class he presented, last Sunday, in the Municipal Theater: ‘The dog enjoys the bone only because he never tasted a steak before. Offer culture to the people to see if they are going to refuse it’. (…) His performance (Jackson Costa) synthetizes the project of Carvalho: the denial of the obvious. The steak in the place of the bone.”

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